For the last 3 months, Emissions have remained stagnant. Emissions were progressively lowered since the introduction of the [Emissions Range Adjustment Proposal in July 2023]( Once they met the lower bound, they remained unchanged. After 3 months of no changes, it is clear there is room for adjustments. There are several reasons for **the Emissions Range Adjustment**, including the conclusion on a recent [analysis]( that the MIN/ADA Pool is too heavily incentivized, Minswap not being in a Bootstrapping Phase anymore, or the future changes in which Minswap aims to use other ways to attract and incentivize liquidity. This Proposal aims to introduce 3 measures: 1. ***Lower the lower Bound of Emissions by 40%*** reduce from the minimum cap of 333,333 MIN a day, to 200,000 MIN a day. This is an adjustment to the range of the emissions rate, it does not necessarily mean that the lowest rate will be implemented. 2. ***Lower the higher Bound of Emissions by 25%***: reduce from the maximum cap of 666,666 MIN a day, to 500,000 MIN a day. 3. ***Implement a structure for the Emissions committee***: define a series of outputs (such as an Emissions Dashboard, a Mandate, bi-weekly rate adjustments) and a series of compensations linked to it. For a full breakdown of the reasoning behind each measure, how the Proposal was improved through community feedback and the details behind how each measure is to be implemented, please view the [original Forum Post](